Traditional Bachelor’s Internal Transfer Students

Academics & Admissions

If you’re currently enrolled in an undergraduate program at Rutgers University and want to transfer into our nursing program, we welcome you to apply through school-to-school transfer.

View School-to-School Internal Transfer Information Sessions

Non-Rutgers students cannot transfer directly into the nursing program. You must first join another academic unit of Rutgers University and complete the credit requirements listed below before considering the school-to-school transfer route. Most students choose to apply to the Newark College of Arts and Sciences or the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) in New Brunswick; however, you may apply to any Rutgers school and/or campus.


We accept school-to-school applications for fall admission only.
View School-to-School Internal Transfer Information Sessions

  • Application open date: February 1
  • Application close date: June 1

Please note that the application process is competitive and does not guarantee admission. Program space is limited each year.

Admitted students can transfer into our Newark or New Brunswick program.

It is important to note that all current scholarship funding may not transfer to the School of Nursing upon enrollment in the nursing program. Students are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid office prior to applying to determine if scholarship funds will be transferrable.

Admission Criteria
  1. Applicants are required to have completed 24 degree credits at Rutgers University before applying for internal transfer into the Traditional BSN program.
  2. A Rutgers University, undergraduate grade point average of 3.30 or higher is required to be considered for admission. (Students are selected on a competitive basis therefore the GPA required for an actual offer of admission may be higher depending on the applicant pool).
Conditions of Acceptance
  • Students must remain in good academic standing at their current Rutgers school and satisfactorily complete the spring semester.
  • Any additional conditions will be noted in the notification message to admitted students.
  • Students must indicate on their application if they are currently under review for disciplinary action.
Required Documents
  • The School of Nursing – Office of Admissions & Recruitment will acquire an internal copy of the applicant’s Rutgers academic transcript after submission of the online application.
  • Upon admission to the School of Nursing, students must provide copies of transcripts from any college(s) they have attended other than Rutgers.
Graduation Requirements

Supplemental Information for Internal Transfer Students

Orientation/Advising/Registration Information
  • A special orientation and registration session will be scheduled during the summer months to prepare admitted students for the coming fall semester.
School Enrollment
  • By submitting an application, an admitted student declares his/her intention to enroll at the School of Nursing for the following fall term.
Withdrawal of Application
  • Prior to a decision, an applicant may withdraw his/her application by visiting the status screen and clicking on “Withdraw My Application”.
Withdrawal After Admission
  • If an admitted student is unable to enroll at the School of Nursing, he/she must select the “Decline Transfer” button displayed in their admission email within the timeframe indicated so that his/her school registration may be modified accordingly. Without this notice, the school of registration will remain as the School of Nursing.
University Housing
  • Students interested in housing accommodations at Rutgers University-Newark may contact the housing office at (973) 353-1037 or visit their website for more information.
  • Students interested in housing accommodations at Rutgers University-New Brunswick may contact Residence Life at (848) 932-4371 or visit their website for more information.
  • Housing is assigned to school-to-school transfers on a space-available basis. 
Accommodation Under ADA/Section 504
  • Students currently receiving accommodation should inform their current campus coordinator of their intention to transfer to facilitate uninterrupted accommodations.
Financial Aid
  • A transfer may affect financial aid and/or scholarships. Students should contact financial aid if they have any questions.

Your path as a transfer student

Speaking with a member of the School of Nursing Admissions team is the first step in the School-to-School transfer process.

Our knowledgeable admissions team will help you to understand what you can expect of the transfer process and what is needed to be considered for admission.

Contact Admissions
It is advised that students interested in the School of Nursing should attend an informational session to learn more about the admissions process, requirements of the program, and get a better understanding of the programs available (ex. 4-year traditional program versus accelerated second-degree program)

You can find out more and sign up for a session by visiting the Information Session page.
After speaking with Admissions, students will need to decide which program will be a better fit for their ultimate goals. There are two paths available:

School-to-School Internal Transfer
A transfer into the 4-year traditional program is available for the fall semester only.
The application process is competitive. Students can apply to either the Newark or New Brunswick campus but may be accepted to the campus that has space available.

Students who are accepted into the 4-year program will enter the current curriculum as rising Sophomore’s and will need to ensure they have completed the necessary prerequisites prior to entering their Clinical year as a Nursing Junior.

Program completion will take an additional 3 years so this option is best suited for current Freshmen or Sophomores. 
Second Degree Program
Students who are close to completing their current Bachelor’s program (Juniors and Seniors) may benefit from applying to the accelerated Second-Degree program. 

This option allows students to complete their current degree on time and upon completion begin a 14 month (4 semesters) Nursing intensive program. 

For more information view the Second-Degree program page.

Students who decide to take this path may benefit from completing the necessary admissions prerequisite courses instead of applying for a School to School transfer. 
Students who have decided to continue with a School-to-School transfer can self-audit their courses to determine what classes they have already completed or will need to take.

Students should speak with their current program advising team first to inform them of their plans. Then speak to the SON Advisor.

Visit the School of Nursing Advisement page for self audit and SON Advisement information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I enhance my application?
A: The committee looks for students with a strong GPA and a background in science courses. This combination enhances the competitiveness of your application.

Q: What courses can I enroll in next semester?
A: As a non-nursing student, you have the flexibility to choose from any first-year nursing curriculum courses.

Q: Can you guide me through the self-audit process?
A: The self-audit is straightforward. Utilize the provided links specific to our campus to reference the nursing curriculum. This will help you identify which courses you’ve completed and which ones are still pending.

Q: Will my credits from a community college or university transfer to the School of Nursing?
A: Initially, you can use NJ Transfer to assess the transferability of your credits. Once accepted into the School of Nursing, a comprehensive review of your credits will be conducted.

Q: Could you develop an academic plan for me?
A: Upon acceptance into the School of Nursing, an advisor will craft a personalized academic plan tailored to your needs.

More about the Traditional BS in Nursing