Over the years, technology has profoundly impacted how our health care system stores and manages crucial information and communication, increasing the demand for nursing informatics specialists.
This program is not currently accepting new applicants. Updates will be posted in 2026. In the meantime, we encourage you to explore our many other graduate specialties.
Program Overview
At Rutgers School of Nursing, we prepare our graduates to use technology to provide care, create effective administrative systems, manage and deliver educational experiences, support life-long learning, and impact nursing research.
The work you engage in throughout the program will support key stakeholders including, but not limited to, nurses, patients, and interprofessional health care teams in their decision-making across roles and settings using information structures, processes, and technology to achieve desired outcomes. [1]
Upon graduation, students are eligible to sit for national board certification.
[1] American Nurses Association. (2014). Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed). Washington DC: Author.

All nurses should have some knowledge of informatics because it’s needed to provide care to their patients. Nursing informatics increases the quality of patient care because it reduces errors.
Linda John, Student

For me, this has just been a perfect fit. I have an extensive career as a bedside nurse. So when I come to put it with technology, for me, it is just like the glue that is putting it all together.
Ann Forbes, Alumna
Faculty Spotlight – Suzan Ahmad
Dr. Ahmad is a nurse, health informatics expert, and nurse leader. During her informatics career, she managed many successful Electronic Health Records implementations around the world.

Meet the Specialty Director
Dr. Melinda L. Jenkins is an Associate Professor and Specialty Director of the Nursing Informatics Program. She is an experienced primary care nurse practitioner and administrator with exceptional credentials in clinical and consumer informatics.