Visual Identity and Branding Resources

Rutgers logos and marks are for use by Rutgers employees and official Rutgers student and alumni groups.

January 2024: The new logo with the Rutgers R may now be used.
We are NOT asking any department to discard materials they have already printed or purchased with the old logo. This transition should happen as part of your regular replacement and material update cycle as resources permit. 
For additional details including the FAQ, visit Transitioning to the Rutgers R

Rutgers School of Nursing Logos

Rutgers School of Nursing
Rutgers School of Nursing Logo (png)
Red & Black | All Red | Red & White
Rutgers School of Nursing
Rutgers School of Nursing (white, png)
White with Black outline | All White

  • More Rutgers Logos
    (log-in with your net ID)
  • Letterhead template
  • For Comprehensive Information, visit the Rutgers Visual Identity Website
  • SON ZOOM Backgrounds

    Try these as custom backgrounds in your zoom meetings. View More RUTGERS Zoom Backgrounds (and instructions)

    SON E- signature

    Use this ALL RED logo for your email signature (compatible with dark mode and normal mode viewing)

    SON Templates

    Rutgers Logos

    When using any of these logos, Please place “School of Nursing” prominently elsewhere in your designs.

    Rutgers Health
    Rutgers Health Logo (png)
    Red & Black | White | Red & White

    Rutgers University (png)
    Red & Black | White | Red & White
    Rutgers The State University of New Jersey
    Rutgers TSU (png)
    Red & Black | White | Red & White

    Chancellor-level and University Logos, Templates & Boilerplate Language


    For Assistance, Contact:

    Lynn McFarlane, Marketing & Communications Lead

    Thomas DiStefano, Assistant Director for Digital Communication and User Experience