Out-Patient Care
Primary Care

Janice Matthew & Adrienne Padden
Institution of a Mindfulness Program to Improve Nurse Anesthesia Students’ Selfefficacy, Coping Skills, and Stress Management

Daitasha Miller
HIV/AIDS: A Call for a Black Church Initiative

Katherine Casas Crescenti
Advance Care Planning in the Intensive Care Unit: A Quality Improvement Project

Valerie Cattano, Ingrid Emile, & Cara Seganti
The Use of Anesthesia Emergency Manuals for Intraoperative Crises

Michael Daley & Julie Greenberg
Deciphering Pharmacogenomic Implicacons for the Anesthesia Provider

Matthew DiCicco & Jedd Dillman
Application of the Pediatric Anesthesia Emergence Delirium Scale to Enhance
Recognition in the PACU

Renay Durling-Grover
A Review of Opioid Use for Pain in Adult Patients with Traumatic Injuries

Ken Hanamura & Peter Panayi
Effectiveness of Nurse Residency Programs for New Graduate Nurses: A
Systematic Review

Adrianna Harulaj
Same Day Discharge versus Overnight Stay in Patients Undergoing Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Pilot Project

Catherine Harvey
Evaluating HIV Stigma and Discrimination

Shari Herron & Natalie Joseph
Retrospective Chart Review: Sugammadex vs. Neostigmine/Glycopyrrolate a Pharmacoeconomic Analysis

Jacqueline Hunterton-Anderson
Psychiatric Emergency Patient Navigator: Improving Outcomes

Marthe Leveille
Implementation of a Second Victim Program

Charles Mahoney
Improving Throughput from ED to ICU/CCU

Lara Mendoza & Chad Toughill
The APN-A Profession and Interprofessional Collaboration

Karissa Padilla
Implementation of Fall TIPS Intervention to Reduce Rate of Falls in a Psychiatry Inpatient Unit

Lynn Panzica & John Tomasello
The Benefits of Implementing Grand Rounds in the Rutgers Nurse Anesthesia Specialty

Stephen Pilot & Maria Tomasetti
Rutgers Nurse Anesthesia Program’s Mentorship Mediated Clinical Site Orientation Framework

Anthony Rizzuti & Stacie Tittamin
Anesthesia Machine Fundamentals: Improving Clinical Performance Through Adjunct Video Review

Christine Stiansen
Analysis of Current Post Graduate Nurse Practitioner Residency Programs

Lauren Torpey & Robin Torpey
Utilization of a Suicide Screening Tool to Increase Suicide Screening in Adults in the Emergency Department

Valerie Vermiglio-Kohn
Reducing Compassion Fatigue in Rebilitation Nurses Working at the Bedside
Out-Patient Setting
Primary Care

Temitope Akande
Improving HPV Vaccination Rates in Pre-teen and Teenage Boys

Amanda Boyle & Delilah Nankoo
The Implementation of the GAD-7 Screening Tool in Primary Care

Firmin Langyin & Kenneth Ogali
Implementation of the use of Depression Screening Tool in a HIV care Setting

Shipra Prasad
HIV Screening Education for Healthcare Providers

Yasmin Rafiuddin
Implementation of Pneumonia/Influenza Vaccination Educational Brochure
Among COPD Patients in a Primary Care Setting

Maria Silva-Esquivel
Implementing Multimodal Smoking Cessation Interventions in Adult Primary Care

Dashmeet Singh
Improving Advance Care Planning in Primary Care