The Dean’s Committee on Anti-Racism and Anti-Bias is a permanent committee reporting directly to the dean, whose mission is to make actionable recommendations to the dean for the purpose of addressing and eradicating racism and bias within the School of Nursing.
Actionable recommendations should arise from quantitative and qualitative information, including but not limited to: findings from focus and dialogue groups, hotline complaints, reviews of the literature including reviews of best practices, and collective concerns and recommendations from students, staff, faculty, alumni, and/or other members of the Rutgers School of Nursing.
Dean’s Committee on Anti-Racism and Anti-Bias
The Dean’s Committee on Anti-Racism and Anti-Bias is a permanent committee reporting directly to the dean, whose mission is to make actionable recommendations to the dean for the purpose of addressing and eradicating racism and bias within the School of Nursing.
Mission and Goals
To strive for an environment in the School of Nursing (SON) that is actively anti-racist and anti-biased in all our institutional practices, classrooms, curriculum, and people-related interactions and that does not foster negative outcomes or experiences based on race or biases. (OU)
Based on the committee’s analyses of quantitative and qualitative data and institutional policies and practices, the overarching aim of the committee is to make actionable recommendations to the Dean that aim to eradicate racism and bias in the SON.
The committee will have representation from a variety of groups within the Rutgers Nursing community, including undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students; faculty from each academic program; alumni; staff; student affairs staff.
Committee Members
Johanna Stephenson, MPA, MLER
Assistant Dean for Faculty and Staff Resources
Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, PhD, RN, FAAN
Associate Dean and Associate Professor
Division of Nursing Science
Faculty Members
Kyeongra Yang, PhD, MPH, RN, CNE
Division of Entry to Baccalaureate Nursing
Mamilda Robinson, DNP, APN, PMHNP-BC
Division of Advanced Practice Nursing
John Nelson, PhD, CNS, CPNP, FAAN
Adjunct Faculty
Director, National Training, FXB
Staff Members
Gregory Hughes
Admission Coordinator, Office of Admissions and Recruitment
Student Members
Leslie Wright Brown, PhD student
Undergraduate/DNP representatives to be filled
Impact Dialogue Circles
Part of our commitment to listen and act, “Impact Dialogue Circles” are a series of listening sessions with faculty, staff, and students designed to listen to the community and implement action based on feedback. These sessions are being led by an outside team comprising inclusion coaches and brothers Dr. Timothy Eatman and Michael Eatman.