RN to BS Orientation

Congratulations on your admission to the Rutgers School of Nursing RN-BS in Nursing Program!

Let’s Get Started.

The RN to BS program fall semester STARTS on Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Set up your accounts and email

IMPORTANT: The following items are necessary in order to complete the
steps in the next section. If you have trouble accessing or using any of these,
please see the Student Computing page.

View the IT Orientation Presentation

  1. Net ID – Follow steps in Enrollment Pathwayhttps://www.ugadmissions.rutgers.edu/pathway/login.asp, but bring your NetID and password with you to Orientation
  2. School Email – Important: sn.rutgers.edu is the official e-mail account for the School of Nursing, not Scarletmail. Please make sure that sn.rutgers.edu is your default email. Go to Manage email addresses. Select your “@sn.rutgers.edu” as the default email. Access your sn.rutgers.edu email at connect.rutgers.edu

    How to access School of Nursing email: Go to connect.rutgers.edu
    Enter your School of Nursing Email YourNetID@sn.rutgers.edu
    Enter the password associated with your NetID
    Set the time zone
  3. MyRutgers Student Portal – Students manage their student accounts and access many of the school services through their student portal. We call it “myRutgers”, located at my.rutgers.edu
  4. Health Insurance – If you have comparable health insurance to the Rutgers sponsored plan, and do not wish to purchase insurance, you must complete a waiver. If students have questions they can contact the Office of Student Insurance at insure@rutgers.edu. Students will be automatically enrolled.
  5. Academic Support and TutoringView the OAS orientation presentation
  6. Student Accounts and Financial Aid
    View the Financial Aid Presentation (PDF)
  7. Social Media – Make sure to follow us!
    Instagram: @ru_engagedson
    Twitter: @ru_engagedson
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruengagedson/

STAR Day (Students in Transition Advising and Registration Day)


*You will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link after you RSVP.

RSVP form coming soon.

Helpful Links


For additional information, please contact

Shelby Pitts, DNP, RN, WHNP-BC
Interim Program Director, RN to BS in Nursing
Email: smp36@sn.rutgers.edu

Yaritsa Villegas
Assistant Registrar
Email: villegas@rutgers.edu
Phone- 973-353-5832