World-class nurse leaders share strategies for leadership success in new Rutgers School of Nursing webinar series
September 28, 2022

Rutgers School of Nursing’s Dean Linda Flynn (PhD, RN, FAAN) announced the school has launched a webinar series featuring top nursing leaders sharing their experiences, insights, and knowledge on a range of important topics affecting nurses and their profession.
“Nursing’s Staffing Crisis: Actionable Strategies,” the kickoff webinar in the new Distinguished Nurse Leadership Series, will take place live on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 12 noon on Zoom. The free event, designed for aspiring and seasoned leaders in nursing and other health professions, offers one Nursing CE unit. The webinar series is presented by the Nursing Leadership Graduation Education Program at Rutgers School of Nursing.
No matter our role, or where we work, as nurses, we’re all called to lead. Whether in clinical practice, academia, research, or policymaking, we’re called to be advocates for positive change,” Flynn said. “What better way for us to grow as leaders than to learn from world-class leaders?”
Six Priority Areas for Tackling the Staffing Crisis
The nurse staffing crisis is an “urgent, high stakes patient safety issue that must be tackled in new and bold ways,” declared the Nurse Staffing Think Tank. Established in early 2022 as a joint initiative of five national organizations representing a range of stakeholders, the Think Tank has developed a toolkit of recommendations and strategies to tackle the staffing crisis across six priority areas affecting acute and critical care.
Presenters Robyn Begley and Katie Boston-Leary, both Think Tank members, will spotlight the Think Tank toolkit’s strategies for measurable, positive change and their relevance across professional roles and work environments. Moderator Charles Vannoy, a New Jersey health system’s chief nursing officer, brings a front-line perspective to the discussion.
Presenters Hail from Professional Association, Clinical, and Academic Arenas
Robyn Begley (DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN), a graduate of the DNP program at Rutgers School of Nursing, is the chief executive officer of the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) and the chief nursing officer and a senior vice president at the American Hospital Association (AHA). Begley leads a membership organization of more than 10,000 nurse leaders whose strategic focus is excellence in nursing leadership. She oversees several key initiatives involving workforce, quality and safety, and future care delivery models. In addition, she works collaboratively with the AHA to ensure the perspective and needs of nurse leaders are heard and addressed in public policy issues related to nursing and patient care. Begley previously was vice president of nursing and chief nursing officer at AtlantiCare in Atlantic City, N.J, where she made outstanding contributions over her 35-year tenure.
Katie Boston-Leary (PhD, MBA, MHA, RN, NEA-BC, CCTP) is the director of nursing programs at the American Nurses Association (ANA) where she oversees Nursing Practice and Work Environment and Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation. A registered nurse for more than 27 years, she specializes in and is certified in perioperative nursing, nursing administration, and executive leadership. She is a John Maxwell-trained speaker and coach and serves as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maryland and Case Western Reserve University. Her leadership roles have included system chief nursing officer at the University of Maryland Capital Region Health and president of the Maryland Organization of Nurse Leaders. She was featured in an article, “5 Chief Nursing Officers who are Changing Healthcare,” published July 2019 in HealthLeaders.
Charles Vannoy (DNP, MBA, RN, FACHE), who earned his DNP from Rutgers School of Nursing, is vice president and chief nursing officer at the Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, NJ, where he has held various leadership positions since joining the hospital in 1997. Before his promotion in July 2021, he was assistant vice president of women’s, children’s, and emergency services. His recent accomplishments include launching and managing a program to address the COVID-19 pandemic that provided vaccinations to more than 14,000 people in 60 days before giving way to a much larger off-site program. He also spearheaded the launch of a patient- and family-centered model of care and a hospital-wide, interactive patient education system.
Dean Linda Flynn is co-hosting the Distinguished Nurse Leadership Series together with Laura Mularz (DNP, APN, ACNS-BC, NE-BC, CRRN), clinical assistant professor and specialty director of the Nursing Leadership graduate education program.
Registration is free, and 1 Nursing CE unit will be provided. Registrants will receive a link for the live webinar and will receive post-event access to the recorded session. Register now.