Rutgers Giving Day 2022 offers opportunities to support nursing excellence
March 21, 2022

Rutgers Giving Day, the annual celebration of philanthropy in support of New Jersey’s flagship higher education institution, takes place on March 23. This year, donors can make gifts to two dedicated funds for Rutgers School of Nursing: the School of Nursing Academic Excellence Fund and the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF)–School of Nursing.
“By participating in Giving Day, individuals join together to highlight and amplify the strengths of Rutgers School of Nursing,” said Lisha Bodden (MS), the school’s director of development. “Every gift is important to support our school’s commitment to our rallying theme, Excellence in Action.”
Leading up to Giving Day, a Save-the-Date Video Sharing Contest takes place March 9 to 22, with Rutgers swag going to people with the highest number of shares on social media and money awards going to their designated Rutgers funds.
On the big day itself, March 23, there will be a series of daylong and hourly challenges like the Lunchtime Crunchtime challenge (11 a.m. – 2 p.m.), and the Closing Time challenge (4 p.m.- 6 p.m.) where additional money can be awarded to funds that win. Official Giving Day ambassadors for each Rutgers cause are working to secure donor participation and boost awareness of all the Giving Day opportunities to support their chosen funds. To learn about all the challenges, visit
Shanda Johnson (PhD, APN-C, FNP), a three-time graduate of Rutgers School of Nursing is a Giving Day ambassador. “I felt it was important to take time to give back to the university that helped me become the nurse and nurse educator that I am today,” Johnson said. She urges her fellow alumni and other supporters of the nursing profession to participate in Giving Day to benefit the next generation of nurses.
The two designated funds for the School of Nursing play important roles in advancing the school’s mission. The Academic Excellence Fund can support initiatives such as fellowships, special events, or student attendance as nursing conferences.
For the EOF program at the School of Nursing, “Giving Day will provide additional funding to help our scholars accomplish their goal of becoming amazing nurses,” said Yosayra Solano (MA Ed), director of the School of Nursing’s Educational Opportunity Fund program.
Krizia Ko (MS, RN, AGPCNP-BC, CHPN), another alumna serving as Giving Day ambassador, recalls the hurdles she faced while earning her BS in Nursing. “Giving Day can help open doors for students experiencing the challenges I had–struggling to cover the cost of nursing school but driven to becoming an RN. We know that nurses are needed, now more than ever.”