Publications and Presentations by School of Nursing Faculty, Students, and Alumni
December 16, 2021

D’Alonzo, K.T., Munet-Vilaro, F., Garsman, L., Rosas, S.R, & Vivar, M. (2021). Differences in academic and community members’ perceptions of factors contributing to obesity among Mexican immigrants. Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 15(4) 475-488.
Tricco A, Khalil H, Holly C, Tolu C, Godfrey C, Evans C, Sawchuck D, et al. (2021, in press). Rapid reviews and the methodological rigor of evidence synthesis: A JBI position statement and commentary. JBI Evidence Synthesis
Sikorskaya, K. (2021, November). Metformin Add-On Therapy to Insulin for Treatment and Management of Type 1 Diabetes in Adolescents. Presented at the virtual 46th Biennial Convention, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. [Katsiaryna Sikorskaya, a DNP student, presented her peer-reviewed DNP project.]
Willard, S. (2021, December). Panelist in the Rutgers Global, World AIDS Day Screening and Panel Discussion of the film, “Aids in Africa, Why.”