Publications and Presentations by School of Nursing Faculty, Staff and Students
November 4, 2021

Linda Hassler, clinical assistant professor, and Susan Weaver, nurse scientist at the New Jersey Collaborating Center for Nursing, assisted the New Jersey State Nurses Association Congress on Policy and Practice in revising and updating its position statement, Medication Administration by Unlicensed Assistive Personnel. View the document here.
Benenson, I., Bradshaw, M. (2021). Approach to a patient with hypertensive urgency in the primary care setting. The Nurse Practitioner, 46 (10), 50-55. doi: 10.1097/
Franco-Tantuico M. (2022, winter). Telehealth etiquette: The do’s and don’ts. New Jersey HIVLinks: HIV, STD, and TB news and information for health professionals [in print].
Franco-Tantuico M. (2021). Active learning: A concept analysis with implications for nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives.
Melnyk, B. M., Hsieh, A. P., Tan, A., Gawlik, K, Danaher, Hacker, E. D., Ferrell, D., et al. (2021). The state of mental health and healthy lifestyle behaviors in nursing, medicine and health sciences faculty and students at Big 10 universities with implications for action. Journal of Professional Nursing 37(6). [Steven Glogocheski, executive director of institutional research and sponsored programs, is a co-author]
Shaffer, E., Porter, S., Zha, P., & Condon, E. (2022). Diaper need as a measure of material hardship during COVID-19. Nursing Research. (Accepted).
Caruso, J.T. (2021). “Statewide Innovative Nurse Workplace Environment and Staffing Councils (NWESC): Implementing AACN Standards in Hospitals. Keynote speech presented at the 2021 New Jersey Consortium of Sigma Chapters, Virtual Founder’s Day Program. [Judith Caruso is a past president of the SON alumni association.]
Gong, C, Qureshi, R., Zha, P., & Porter, S. (2021, October). Experience of adverse childhood events and utilization of preventive healthcare among Generation Z sexual and gender minority populations. Abstract presented at the American Public Health Association. APHA’s 2021 Annual Meeting and Expo, October 2021.
Porter, S., Zha, P., & Qureshi, R. (2021, October). Does trust in nurses mediate effect of adverse childhood experiences on preventive healthcare utilization by sexual and gender minority populations? Virtual oral presentation at the American Public Health Association. APHA’s 2021 Annual Meeting and Expo.
Qureshi, R., Zha, P., & Porter, S. (2021, October). Relationship between adverse childhood experiences and trust among sexual and gender minorities. Abstract and virtual oral presentation, at the American Public Health Association. APHA 2021 Annual Meeting and Expo, Online and Denver, CO.
Slowinski, P. D. (2021, October). Pilot study: HIV knowledge assessment tool© and knowledge of sexual risk behaviors assessment tool© used in HIV prevention education. Virtual poster presentation at the American Public Health Association, APHA 2021 Annual Meeting and Expo, Online and Denver, CO.
Slowinski, P. D. (2021, October). HIV knowledge assessment tool© and knowledge of sexual risk behaviors assessment tool© used in HIV prevention education: A pilot study. Virtual poster presentation at the American Public Health Association, APHA 2021 Annual Meeting and Expo, Online and Denver, CO.
Zha, P., Qureshi, R., & Porter, S. (2021, October). Validation of the Patient-Nurse Trust Scale with sexual and gender minorities. Abstract presented at the American Public Health Association. APHA’s 2021 Annual Meeting and Expo.