By the time you finish your degree, you’ll have all the tools you need to begin or advance your successful career in nursing:

» Integrate theory, liberal learning, and nursing knowledge into generalist practice.

» Provide person-centered care that is holistic, compassionate, coordinated, and reflective of individuals’ preferences, values, needs, and social influences using best evidence for nursing practice.

» Provide care for individuals, families, and communities across the healthcare continuum to promote wellness, prevent illness, and manage disease through traditional and non-traditional partnerships to improve equitable health outcomes.

» Engage in scholarly inquiry and apply research and evidence-based practice, to improve health and transform healthcare.

» Use principles of safety and improvement science to enhance quality and minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance.

» Collaborate with care team members, patients, families, communities, and other stakeholders to optimize care, enhance the healthcare experience, and improve outcomes.

» Coordinate resources within complex systems of health care to provide safe, high quality, cost-effective, and equitable care for diverse populations.

» Utilize informatics and healthcare technologies to gather data, support decision-making, and inform the delivery of high-quality, safe, and efficient healthcare services in accordance with best practice and professional and regulatory standards.

» Cultivate a professional identity founded on accountability, collaboration, and altruism to reflect nursing characteristics and values that foster ethical decision-making and promote social justice.

» Engage in professional development, self-care practices, and lifelong learning to support the acquisition of nursing expertise and leadership skills.
» Demonstrate the application and translation of nursing knowledge and ways of knowing from related arts and sciences in the design, delivery, and evaluation of person-centered, population-focused care

» Apply evidence-based strategies within diverse populations and systems to promote holistic, evidence-based, person-centered care that is based on a scientific body of knowledge and maximizes health outcomes.

» Evaluate epidemiologic, ethical, and resource management principles surrounding public policy and engage in collaborative activities with traditional and non-traditional partnerships with diverse stakeholders to promote equitable individual, community, population, and planetary health outcomes.

» Apply and disseminate evidence-based practice derived from the scholarship and discipline of advanced nursing practice to optimize patient care and improve outcomes in diverse health settings and populations.

» Design, foster, and advocate for emerging principles of safety and improvement science using data to enhance quality and minimize risk of harm to improve patient, provider, population, and organizational effectiveness.

» Model the use of effective communication and collaboration strategies to strengthen the interprofessional team to improve health outcomes.

» Apply strategies of systems-based practice to coordinate and lead approaches that improve health outcomes for diverse populations and sustain system effectiveness.

» Analyze and apply information technologies, documentation, data transmission standards, and data models for efficient clinical and administrative communication and decision making aimed at delivery of safe, high-quality outcomes.

» Develop a sustainable professional identity, including accountability, perspective, collaborative disposition, and comportment which is reflective of nursing’s characteristics and values.

» Contribute to activities that foster resiliency and flexibility that lead to lifelong growth as a person, practitioner, and leader in conjunction with the development of a professional voice used to advocate for and mentor within healthcare.
» Integrate evolving scientific knowledge from nursing and other disciplines as the basis for clinical judgement to inform and influence advanced professional nursing practice.

» Evaluate and lead the implementation of evidence-based strategies within diverse populations to provide person-centered care for individuals, families, organizations, and communities that is holistic, individualized, just, respectful, compassionate, coordinated and developmentally appropriate to maximize health outcomes.

» Integrate epidemiologic, ethical, and resource management principles to lead collaborative initiatives that influence public policy, contribute to emergency preparedness, and improve equitable population health outcomes reflective of local, national, and global attributes that contribute to individual, community, organizational and planetary health.

» Lead the translation of evidence-based practice methodologies to collect, analyze, synthesize, and disseminate scholarship and knowledge from advanced nursing practice to improve health and transform health care.

» Evaluate and lead organizations and systems using data and emerging principles of safety and implementation science to enhance quality, promote a just culture, mitigate barriers, and minimize risk of harm to improve patient, provider, population, and organizational effectiveness.

» Create and evaluate interprofessional models of care that promote teamwork, foster mutual respect, and incorporate knowledge of the contributions of nursing and other professions to enhance patient and population health outcomes.

» Evaluate and develop initiatives to address complex systems of health care to effectively and proactively enhance value, access, quality, and cost-effective care to diverse populations.

» Critically appraise information technology documentation standards, modeling, and transmission of high quality, reliable data for clinical and administrative decision-making, and delivery of safe, high quality, and efficient services.

» Cultivate, engage in, and advocate for a sustainable professional nursing identity that incorporates principles of ethics, equity and belonging to promote optimal care outcomes.

» Incorporate practices that foster resiliency, flexibility, and lifelong growth as a person, practitioner, and leader in conjunction with the development of a professional voice, used to advocate for and mentor within healthcare professions, organizations, populations and beyond.