Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Development, Professor
Division of Entry to Baccalaureate Nursing
Newark Health Sciences
ACK 302A
(973) 353-3834
Specialty: Health care of women and childbearing families, nursing education
Newark, New Brunswick, & Blackwood, NJ
Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Development, Professor
Division of Entry to Baccalaureate Nursing
Newark Health Sciences
ACK 302A
(973) 353-3834
Specialty: Health care of women and childbearing families, nursing education
Widely recognized as a national and international leader in perinatal education and breast cancer research, Dr. Wendy Budin currently serves as Professor and Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs at the Rutgers School of Nursing. Prior to this appointment, Dr. Budin served as Associate Dean for the Entry to Baccalaureate Practice Division at Rutgers School of Nursing from 2016-2023.
In her role within Faculty Affairs, Dr. Budin is responsible for the ongoing mentoring and development of all faculty. This includes guiding faculty through the reappointment and promotion process as well as supporting individual career planning.
Dr. Budin brings to Rutgers more than 45 years of rich academic, administrative and clinical experience. Her accomplishments focus on advocacy in the health policy arena, where she has helped advance standards of care for women, families, and professionals. Through extensive work with Lamaze International, she established herself as a leader providing evidence-based childbirth education and resources to professionals and consumers. She also is at the forefront of improving birth outcomes through global dissemination of care practices – adapted from the World Health Organization – to promote, protect, and support safe, healthy birth.
Recognizing that critical health issues affecting women continue throughout the lifespan, Dr. Budin’s research extends beyond childbirth to promoting physical and psychosocial adjustment to breast cancer. Using unique and inventive approaches to research methodology, she assumed a leadership role as co-investigator on two NIH-funded (RO3, R01) intervention studies that included the development of a national award winning evidence-based psychoeducational video series and book and the Breast Cancer Treatment Response Inventory (BCTRI) to measure symptom experience unique to breast cancer.
As Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Perinatal Education (JPE), the foremost multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal for educators and practitioners, she directs the publication of original research, evidence-based practice and commentary that advance healthy birth in world-wide arenas through innovation, education and advocacy.
Her previous positions include Director of Nursing Research at NYU Langone Medical Center with a joint Faculty appointment at NYU College of Nursing, and Associate Dean for Graduate Nursing and Research and Director of the PhD in Nursing Program at Seton Hall University.
Dr. Budin is the Past President of the Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS), a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and the New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM), and serves on the New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research.
Holder of a PhD in Nursing Research and Theory Development, earned at New York University, Dr. Budin also earned a master’s degree in nursing education and parent child health from Seton Hall University and a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Adelphi University.