Nancy Bohnarczyk, EdD, RN, CNE

Clinical Associate Professor

Division of Entry to Baccalaureate Nursing


ACK 330

(973) 353-2708

Specialty: New nurse transition, preceptor education

Nancy Bohnarczyk is currently a Clinical Associate Professor at the Rutgers School of Nursing and serves as project director for RSON’s Out-of-Hospital Residency Program. Prior to this she served as project director for the RSON Out-of-Hospital Residency Program established in 2016 and funded through a grant from the Helene Fuld Health Trust. Through her work in this grant, she helped to develop and present a unique curriculum for experienced as well as new nurses working in non-hospital settings; and participated in the research component of the project. She also has held full-time faculty and program director positions at several diploma and practical nursing programs in New Jersey, as well as adjunct nursing faculty positions at Hunter College, Long Island University, and other colleges of nursing.  Dr Bohnarczyk developed expertise in preceptor training and development, practitioner to academic educator training, and new nurse residency programs.

Dr. Bohnarczyk earned her doctoral degree in education from Rutgers Graduate School of Education. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Seton Hall University a master’s degree in nursing organization, executive role, from the Teachers College of Columbia University, and a post master certificate in nursing education from Hunter College.

Education & Training

  • BSN- Seton Hall University College of Nursing
  • MA- Teacher’s College/Columbia University
  • EdD- Rutgers Graduate School of Education

Recent Research Activities/Funded Projects

  • 02/2022-02/2023 (Grant Amount: $25,000) New Jersey Health Foundation entitled “A Digital Storytelling Intervention for Undergraduate Nursing Students to Explore Social Determinants of Health Through the Patient Experience”. Jeannette Manchester, Michele Roberts, Nancy Bohnarcczyk, Agency: New Jersey Health Foundations, Role: Co-PI
  • 07/2020-06/2021 (Grant Amount: $1,250) This 1-year award, funded by New Jersey Collaborating Center for Nursing supported research on criteria for preceptor selection to promote more consistent application of the role. Research was an expansion based on findings from a previous study on preceptors., Agency: NJCCN, Role: PI
  • 10/2016-10/2020 (Grant Amount: $4,690,110) This 4-year program, funded by the Helene Fuld Educational Trust resulted in development, implementation, and evaluation of an innovative out-of-hospital residency model for new Rutgers School of Nursing graduates. This included establishment of career development services for nursing graduates, preceptor education for preceptors in participating organizations, and a new nurse resident education program. Holzemer, W., Cadmus, E., Salmond, S.: PIs.  Role : Director
  • 2014-2016 (Grant Amount: $1,600,000) Long Term Care Nurse Residency Program was a 12- month program, funded by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), designed for transitioning newly employed RNs (who graduated from an accredited program in the last 12 months), as well as a program for Nurse Preceptors from Long Term Care facilities. Goals of the program included development of nursing competencies in the care of the older adult and the facilitation of growth and excellence in the long term care facility. Collaborators included: New Jersey Action Coalition (NJAC); Rutgers University, School of Nursing; NJDOH; NJHA; Heldrich Center; the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing; and Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders (NICHE)., Edna Cadmus, Susan Salmond, PI  Role: Faculty

Recent Publications

  • Cadmus, E., Bohnarczyk, N., & deCordova, P. (2023). Transition into practice: Beyond Hospital Walls. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 54(7), 327-336.
  • Bohnarczyk, N., & Cadmus, E. (2022). Pandemic Impact on the Preceptor/New Nurse Dyad. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development.
  • Bohnarczyk, N., & Cadmus, E. (2020). Preceptor criteria revisited. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 51(9), 425-432.
  • Salmond, S., Cadmus, E., Black, K., Bohnarczyk, N., Hassler, L. (2017). Long-term care nurse residency program: Evaluation of new nurse experiences and lessons learned. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 48(10), 474-484.
  • Cadmus, E., Salmond, S., Hassler, L., Black, K., and Bohnarczyk, N. (2016). Creating a long term care new nurse residency model. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 47(5), 234-240.