Rutgers Professor Jill Cox elected as a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
August 27, 2020

Jill Cox (PhD, RN, APN-c, CWOCN), clinical associate professor of nursing at Rutgers School of Nursing, has been elected a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, one of the nursing profession’s highest distinctions.
She will be recognized during an induction ceremony at the academy’s annual Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference, to be held virtually in October.
Through a competitive, rigorous application process, a committee of elected fellows reviews hundreds of nominations and selects new fellows based on their contributions to advancing the public’s health. The academy comprises more than 2,700 nursing leaders who are experts in policy, research, administration, practice, and academia.
For 2020, the academy will induct 230 new fellows from 38 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. territory of Guam, as well as 13 countries. Following their induction, fellows may use the prestigious FAAN credential.
“As an extraordinary nurse leader making important contributions in education, research, and clinical practice, Dr. Cox is well-deserving of this honor,” said Linda Flynn (PhD, RN, FAAN), dean and professor at Rutgers School of Nursing. “We are excited and pleased to have yet another member of our dynamic faculty to join the academy.”
Cox is a member of the Division of Nursing Science at Rutgers School of Nursing. She is board certified as a clinical nurse specialist in adult health and as a wound, ostomy, and continence nurse. She maintains an active practice at Englewood Health in Englewood, New Jersey.
She received her diploma in nursing from the Englewood Hospital School of Nursing, BSN from William Paterson College, and both her MS and PhD in Nursing from Rutgers School of Nursing.
Her research, which focuses on pressure injury risk detection in the critical care population, has been disseminated nationally and internationally in peered-reviewed publications and presentations. “Predictors of Pressure Ulcers in Adult Critical Care Patients,” an article she published in American Journal of Critical Care, is among the Top 5, most frequently cited articles in the journal’s history.
Cox is a member of the board of directors of the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel, the USA representative for the education committee of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists, and a member of the editorial advisory board for the journal, Advances in Skin and Wound Care.
In 2014 and 2019, she led the critical care small working groups to develop the International Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline
With Cox’s election, the number of American Academy of Nursing fellows at Rutgers School of Nursing will total 15, comprising approximately 15 percent of full-time faculty.