School of Nursing has digital sign displays in all of our buildings as a means of delivering key messaging and announcements to our internal audiences (students, faculty, and staff) in a consistent manner. Individual units may submit requests for a digital announcement to be displayed on screens.
Submission Guidelines
To submit a request for consideration, please fill out the form below OR e-mail at least 2 business days (or more) in advance of the start of the event/program you wish to announce. Items may also be submitted early for scheduling at a later date.

- Graphics should be .jpg or .png files at the following dimensions, or may also be half-size:
3840px (Width) x 2160px (Height) or
53.5in (Width) x 30in (Height) - If you are requesting graphics be prepared for you, please supply all required text and images (via submission form or as email attachments) at least 3 business days in advance.
- Specify the campus(es) and date(s) that the slide should be displayed (if not clear from submitted materials.)
- Announcement text should be brief and succinct.
- School-wide events will be given priority.
Display Locations
- New Brunswick: (110 Paterson St. & 120 Albany St.)
- Newark: Ackerson Hall
- Newark: SSB
- Blackwood
Fill out my online form.